How are averages calculated across the platform?

At BlueOcean, we index the numbers, so the Category Average is always 100. We use an index instead of a raw metric (e.g., website traffic “number of visitors”) because we are looking at multiple data sets. Also, an index allows our clients to quickly gauge their performance, irrespective of the platform they are using.

Let’s take a close look into how it works by using Social Followers as an example. For instance, a brand has an exceptionally high number of followers on Twitter but does not utilize Facebook, whereas its competitors use both platforms. In this scenario,  if we use raw metrics, the brand’s raw number of followers may appear as the category leader, and it may not be immediately apparent that the brand lacks a social following on other channels. However, with composite index scores, our brand tracking platform allows you to quickly gauge your brand’s performance without being inundated with charts for each channel.

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