How recent is BlueOcean data?

BlueOcean brings marketers always-on data that is refreshed frequently.  We do not rely on survey-based brand trackers that provide generic, infrequent snapshots of brand metrics. 

Data ingested by BlueOcean refreshes on varying schedules, depending on the data source. Brand Navigator sources both fast (ex. social content posts) and slow (ex. quarterly financials) moving data.  Scores fluctuate as data refreshes.

It’s important to note that there may be a lag time between when data becomes available to BlueOcean and when that data has been calculated and reflected in Brand Navigator. For example, Organic Social Post Volume counts are updated every 4 to 7 days but may take up to 6 days to be reflected in Brand Navigator scores.  Each metric also has varying ‘look back windows’ which refers to the amount of time reflected in scores or counts. For example, the look back window for Organic Social Post Volume is 30 days, meaning that each time that metric is refreshed, it is reflecting the total volume of organic social posts over the preceding 30-day period.

If you have questions about the look back windows and lag times for a specific metric in Brand Navigator, please ask your CSM about our data dictionary.

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